Who am I

Willem-Jan Boogerd!

Hello! My name is Willem-Jan Boogerd.

My work experience so far

I'm not gonna put all my work experience on this page, but I basically have been a consultant my whole career. Started already during my study with small projects for small local companies. In 1999 I started to work for Ordina as a Java developer. Left that company in 2003 looking for a more personal experience and joined a small consultantancy company called Inology. In 2008 I decided it was time to work as an independant freelancer and brought my own company back to life. Earlier under the name eLedge and now as DevZone Solutions.

Dive Instructor

Since the end of 2010, I became a dive instructor. I managed to escape the office for a few summers to work in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt to work as a dive guide / dive instructor, away from the rat race. Since then, I do part-time teaching in the Netherlands, much colder but a an equal fun experience. This second "career" also helps in my work as a tech lead, I use my teaching experience to help less experienced developers become better in their field.

Personal life

I live with my wife and 3 big cats in Leiden. We own and rent out a few vacation apartments in Tulum, Mexico. Check out this website for more information.